GoDaddy: Event + Product Launch

In 2019 GoDaddy was in the middle of evolving its brand and reconnect with customers old and new as a ‘brand for people like me’. GoDaddy’s target is the Everyday Entrepreneur, these brave and inspiring people are why we go into work every day, do what we do and hope to inspire others to give it a go.

In September we had a sophisticated product ready to launch that aids customers in the ‘I don’t know what to do next’ phase. The product gives an easy to use action plan that guides you in your next step for your online presence. Its machine learning of other uses does the analysis for you so you can be guided by what has worked for others. To launch this we hosted an event for our most favorite people – our customers. We told them about our mission, introduced them to our new CEO, gave them a chance to meet Ayesha Curry, and gave them some very useful things for their websites – professional photography, copywriting, workshops, face-to-face time with our Guides and of course, our new product.

Here is just some of the work that went into it:

GoDaddy – About Us Film

Just some of the results

  • 20% increase in traffic to
  • 30k viewers on our YouTube broadcast channel.         
  • 66M impressions on the YouTube Masthead.
  • 3.5M viewing the live broadcast on YouTube.
  • More than 52 million earned media impressions.
  • 20M impressions in social media, with hundreds engaging in live chat during the event;  800+ mentions and 54% net sentiment