35 million girls around the world are not getting a basic education.
Yet educating a girl can break cycles of poverty in just one generation. Girls who get an education marry later, have fewer children, earn higher wages and support healthier and more prosperous families. So let’s help make the story better.
To help The Malala Fund educate girls around the world we created an ebook written by award-winning children’s rights author, Deborah Ellis, and used one of the basic skills taught at school, learning to write, to get across our message. The book tells the story of a young girl who is banned from going to school by the Taliban.
You will notice as you turn to the first page that the book is written in a barely intelligible scrawl, exactly like that of a child learning to write.
After a few pages you will realise there is no more story. The only way to get more of the story is to donate or share The Malala Fund’s message on social media.
Once you have donated or shared the message the next instalment will automatically download to your ebook and you will notice something different. Because of your help the handwriting is better!
This practice continues throughout the book and the writing becomes more and more legible each time.
We also launched an audiobook using the same method but with a girl reading. At the beginning her narration is very stuttered and slow but with your help her reading gets better and better until she is fluent at the end.