Uncle Ben’s: The Search For Fast Food

By beginning with Ben you get to healthier meals – this is the strategy behind Uncle Ben’s. But we all know how tempting it is to order junk food when we are feeling tired or busy. And yet, junk food isn’t actually that much quicker, the appoximate delivery time averages out to be 40 mins. This is something we wanted to target at the time and place of the hunger, when you search for a delivery restaurant on Google.

The hungry consumer’s journey:
Whenever someone does a search for something like ‘delivery restaurants near me’, or ‘takeaway restaurant’…

YourHouseGoogle2BSearch…the first item on the search results page will be a cleverly disguised and appetizing ad driving to the campaign site.

YourHouseGoogle2BSearchResultsOnce on the site you start to see a glimpse of the messaging and we use a commonly used form to gather your address information.

YourHouseGoogle2BStreetView_AddressOn the homepage of the site you will be struck by a very recognisable image, a picture of your house! By using Google Street View we will be able to cusomise each homepage to each user.

We will also feature recipes that can be made with Uncle Ben’s rice in less time than it takes to wait for your takeaways proving our point that healthier (and tastier) meals start with Uncle Ben’s.

YourHouseGoogle2BYourHouseTo further illustrate our campaign message we will play a video of a takeaway order versus a home cooked meal. Clearly, a home cooked meal is much more appealing.
